Intersectionality in academia
I consider it necessary to conduct research and teach from an inclusive-conscious perspective that seeks to include social minority groups in academia and to consider the mechanisms that could exclude these groups. Sadly, women and racial minorities remain underrepresented in academia as they continue to face leadership, salary, funding, and visibility gaps, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. During the past five years, I have co-organized meetings to discuss scientific papers on gender, race, sexual identity, and class equity in academia (Gender and Science Journal Club). Through this group, we have successfully convinced research centers to implement gender balanced policies, and to confront unconscious biases. Moreover, we have organized PhD seminars on gender issues in Academia at our department's PhD program over the past three years and we have been invited to several round tables on gender-equity and equality plans at the UPF and other research institutions in Barcelona (see here). See our press article: Gender and Science Journal Club (2018) Feminismo en la Academia: suspenso en diversidad,
I am member of the Center for Gender Studies (CEdGE) at the UPF.
Overall, I believe it is necessary to implement an inclusive approach in the classroom setting as well as the university as a whole.
PhD seminar on the need of intersectional feminism in academia
Press article: Gender and Science Journal Club (2018) Feminismo en la Academia: suspenso en diversidad,
International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Casa Orlandai